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Access Personal Data / Unsubscribe me

Access Personal Data:

If you have done business with RMB SPAIN, you have no direct access to the data stored on our servers. If you wish to modify or delete your personal data, or want to know what personal data is stored on your behalf, please submit your request using your email address. You will receive a confirmation email to identify your identity.

Upon receiving your request, RMB SPAIN will take the appropriate action within 15 working days according to the GDPR legislation.

If you have not done business with RMB SPAIN but have used the RMB SPAIN Website with a "MY RMB SPAIN" account, please login with your account if you wish to modify or delete your personal details.

RMB SPAIN reserves the right to keep your data for a period of time in case there is a legal requirement to do so.


Please unsubscribe me:

By enterning with your details into our property section, you are granting us authorization to include your personal data into our Clients Database. The only purpose of which is to send you periodical newsletter about our always changing property portfolio.

If you wish to no longer receive our electronic mail and/or newsletter please click the link below:


Legal Terms:

The RMB SPAIN website is published by Ana Marín Buchanan, with address in Spain: Calle Aire 57, 04628, Antas, Almería.

Persons who access information on the website of RMB SPAIN agree to the following terms and conditions.

RMB SPAIN commits itself to ensuring, to the best of its ability, that the information posted on this site is correct and up-to-date. RMB SPAIN reserves the right to correct the site's content at any time and without warning. However, RMB SPAIN cannot guarantee the correctness, precision, thoroughness or completeness of the information available on this site, especially with respect to shared property details via collaborating agents.

As a result, RMB SPAIN declines responsibility:

- for any site interruption;
- for any bugs;
- for any errors or omissions contained in the information available on the site,
- for any and all damage resulting from a third party's fraudulent intrusion which causes modifications to the information contained on the site;
- from any direct or indirect damage, whatever its cause or causes, nature, origins or consequences. This includes costs resulting from the purchase of goods on the site, profit, client and data losses or any other loss of material goods arising from anyone's access or failed access to the website, or any credit granted to information coming directly or indirectly from the site.

Use of the RMB SPAIN website
The entire content of this RMB SPAIN website is subject to copyright with all rights reserved. You may save or print out a hard copy of individual pages and/or sections of the RMB SPAIN website, provided that you do not remove any copyright or other proprietary notices. With any saving or otherwise copying from the RMB SPAIN website the terms and conditions for use shall be deemed to have been accepted. All property rights shall remain with RMB SPAIN. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), modify, link into or use for any public or commercial purpose the RMB SPAIN website without the prior written permission of RMB SPAIN.

Personal Data Protection
RMB SPAIN commit to preserve the confidentiality of any information provided on line by Internet users according with the stablished in the Spanish Organic Law 15/1999. Moreover, Internet users can access, rectify and delete any personal information by submitting a written notice to the following address:

Communication Department
Calle Aire N° 57, 04628

Antas, Almeria, Spain